RJS Books – Best Books For Rajasthan Judiciary Exams

 Best Books For RJS Exams 

According to the experts, the selection of the right RJS Books helps students to cover all the topics according to the latest RJS Exam Syllabus. We have compiled a list of the Best book for Rajasthan Judiciary Exam.

India’s constitutions by S.Chand

Rajasthan Junior Legal Officer by Global Publishing House

Judicial Services Examinations By Lexis Nexis

The Constitution of India By Universal Law Publishing (P.M. Bakshi)

Judicial Service Examinations English Language By Delight Law Publishers

Solved Papers of Judicial Service Preliminary Examination By Singhal Law Publications

Rajasthan Judicial Service Examination Solved Papers By Global Publishing House

Compulsory English By A.P. Bhardwaj

Objective General Hindi By Chand

What Are The Best Places To Purchase RJS Books?
Rajasthan Judiciary Exam books are easily available in local bookstores. If you do not get them there, then look for places near the court of the region. There are small bookstores that sell old and used books at a cheap price. You can find them near your college. Do not hesitate to buy old books as long as it matches with the latest syllabus, and is comfortable to read. 

Students can even buy Rajasthan Judicial Services books at online stores. Amazon and Flipkart are the two main e-commerce retailers that sell books for different types of competitive exams. Just ensure that you are buying the latest version of the RJS prelims books/RJS Mains Books.


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