Doctrine of Privity of Contract and of Consideration- Its Exceptions
The Indian Contract Act clearly states that there cannot be a stranger to a contract. What does this exactly mean? And are there any exceptions? This is explained through the Doctrine of Privity of a Contract. Let us see. Doctrine of Privity of Contract The Indian Contract Act. 1872, allows the ‘ Consideration ‘ for an agreement to proceed from a third-party. However, a stranger (third-party) to consideration is different from a stranger to a contract. The law does not allow a stranger to file a suit on the contract. This right is available only to a person who is a party to the contract and is called Doctrine of Privity of Contract. Let’s understand this with the help of an example: Peter has borrowed some money from John. Peter owns a property and decides to sell it to Arjun. Arjun promises to pay John on behalf of Peter. However, if Arjun fails to pay, then John cannot sue since Arjun is a stranger to the contract. It is important to note that the Doctrine of Privity has excep...